Hello everyone, and welcome back to another week of loose watercolours! You might have noticed that there was a change in the usual programming last week, and that’s because we were in rainy Amsterdam! We spent a couple of nights over there, and the plan was to get some plein air practice in, but it was almost too wet to leave the house. We made up for it in visiting some art museums, though, so it was still an art-filled trip!
If you ever find yourself in the Dutch capital, I’d highly recommend the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum. The Rijksmuseum has some particularly famous paintings, including Rembrandt’s ‘The Night Watch,’ and Frans Hals’ ‘The Laughing Cavalier.’ I particularly enjoyed the Van Gogh Museum, though, as they house a huge collection of his paintings, including ‘The Potato Eaters’ and ‘Almond Blossom.’ They also have a huge collection of art from the general time period when he was working, so it’s a pretty inspiring collection!
In terms of loose watercolours, though, I hope you enjoyed painting along to ‘Oriental Blue’ in last week’s live broadcast. We had a great result from everyone, and I’m incredibly impressed with all of your watercolour skills! If you’d like to join in the fun in future, the live broadcasts are typically on Monday nights at 8pm GMT. Here’s the link if you’d like to join in: https://loosewatercolours.com/live-broadcast/
There’s also a new tutorial available on loosewatercolours.com, ‘Vintage Rose.’ This is aimed at beginners, so it’s a great one to paint along with if you’re just starting out on your loose watercolour journey, but it’s certainly a fun one to watch! If you’d like to view it, you can find the website here: https://loosewatercolours.com/
If you’re on the Patreon, you’ve also probably noticed the new tutorial available on the site, ‘May Day Irises.’ This was the members’ choice for a tutorial, so I hope you all enjoy painting along! If you’d like to find my Patreon, here’s the link: https://www.patreon.com/andrewgeesonloosewatercolours
And if you’re angling for another tutorial this week, you’re in luck! The free tutorial available on loosewatercolours.com has been updated, so head on over to the website to try your hand at ‘Simple Orange Floral.’ Here’s the link: https://loosewatercolours.com/take-a-free-class/
If you fancy levelling up your painting routine, or simply just stuck for gift ideas, why not think about getting your very own set of the Loose Gang? A perfect gift for anyone artistically inclined, they’re perfect for improving your brushstrokes and great fun to paint along with as you venture out on your loose watercolour journey. You can get yourselves a set right here: https://loosewatercolours.com/product-category/loose-gang
And as a final note this week, thank you so much to all of you who’ve joined the Beginners Watercolour Group on Facebook. I’ve been amazed by the incredibly enthusiastic response, and I hope you’re all having as much fun as I have with the loose watercolour style. If you’ve not joined yet, it’s an ideal way to be notified of whenever there’s a new tutorial, or just to look at some inspiring art that’s posted every day. Fantastic! Still interested in joining? Here’s the link: https://m.facebook.com/groups/753969806117098/?ref=share
That’s all from me this week, as it’s getting a little late on this side of the pond. This week’s exclusive paid tutorial, as always, is included at the end of this post, and this week’s subject is ‘Blue Vintage Florals.’ I hope you all enjoy painting along! Until next time, though, it’s goodbye from Toby and I, and happy painting!