Hello everyone, and welcome back to another weekly edition of Loose Watercolours! How was your weekend? Did you have time to relax? Did you get up to anything fun? Did you have time to do any painting? Whatever your plans were, it’s the start of a new week, so why not take a quick moment to reset and think about having some fun with loose watercolours?
It was lovely to see so many faces, both old and new, at last week’s live broadcast. Together we painted some ‘Spring Daffodils,’ which was incredibly topical given that spring is now in full bloom. I hope you all had as much fun as I did! Toby and I have been daffodil spotting on our walks recently, and there’s a lot of them about! Unfortunately, there’ll be no live broadcast this week, as by the time you read this, I’ll be soaring up high in the sky (where it’s notoriously tricky to maintain a steady internet connection) as I’m off on my holidays this week. Time to relax and paint, indeed!
Don’t worry, though – there’s still lots of painting fun to be had! Why not start off your week by painting along to the new tutorial, ‘Spring Lamb,’ on loosewatercolours.com? After all, it’s Easter this coming weekend, so it’s the perfect subject for any last minute holiday cards that you’d like to send to your loved ones. Plus, did I mention that it’s incredibly cute? You can paint along by following the link here.
There’s also a new ‘Simple Flowers’ tutorial available on my Patreon for those of you that fancy some floral fun this week. Florals are a favourite in loose watercolours for a reason – they’re fun to paint, and always give a fantastic result! So if you fancy flexing your painting muscles with a loose floral or two, you can follow the link here.
And there’s more! If you want some more floral fun this week, there’s another new tutorial on loosewatercolours.com for all of your loose watercolour needs. ‘Lilac Delight’ is a dainty little tutorial perfect for the spring season, and you can paint along whilst enjoying the scent of fresh blossom in the air. Well, unless you have hay fever, like I do. But don’t worry – this pollen won’t make you sneeze! You can find it by following the link here.
I also got up to a spot of painting myself last week – here’s my spring sunlight painting. I was inspired by seeing Toby sunbathing in the hallway, and seeing his shadow stretch across the floor – and it made me think of some painting ideas where I could play with shadows and light. What do you think?
Just a quick note as well to say an enormous thank you to all of you who have joined the Beginners Watercolour Group on Facebook. I was amazed by the incredibly enthusiastic response, and we’ve now got more than two thousand members, which is absolutely fantastic! If you’re still interested in joining, here’s the link: https://m.facebook.com/groups/753969806117098/?ref=share
That’s all from me this week as I’m about to jet off on my holidays. It’s time for sun, snoozing, and a spot of painting, which is my ideal week, to be honest. Can you guess where I’m off to? I’ll give you three hints – it’s in Europe, it’s a hot climate, and they’ve got some delicious food. Take a wild guess. I’ll be back in your inboxes next week with some more painting fun (and maybe even a slight tan), but in the meantime, I hope you all have a relaxing time – and happy painting!