Floral fancies

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Loose Watercolours HQ! How was your week? Relaxing, I hope. How’s 2025 been for you all so far? Have you got lots of painting done? Have you had fun with friends and family? However you’ve spent January, I hope you all have a fantastic year ahead, and I want to thank you all for your continued support of this great little painting community.

It was great to see so many of you joining in for last week’s live broadcast, ‘Milk Jug Daisies.’ I love painting a good floral, and I know you all do too, so I hope you enjoyed painting along this week! The nights are slowly starting to get lighter, so that can only mean one thing – spring is just around the corner! So it’s lovely to paint lots of flowers this time of year to celebrate.

‘Milk Jug Daisies.’

If you want some more painting practice, there’s a new tutorial available over on Patreon. ‘Simple Delphs’ is a lovely little floral, taking a simple approach with limited colours, but creating a delicate finish! If you’d like to give it a go, follow the link here: https://www.patreon.com/andrewgeesonloosewatercolours

‘Simple Delphs.’

In the same vein, there’s also a new tutorial over on loosewatercolours.com, ‘Chinese Lanterns.’ The loose nature of the paint really lends itself to the orangey tones here, and it creates a lovely little design of the lanterns draping over the branches. Follow the link here if you’d like to give it a go: loosewatercolours.com

If you’d like to be notified as to when new tutorials are posted and you haven’t yet joined the Loose Watercolour Beginners Facebook group, what are you waiting for? It’s an incredibly welcoming group with over five thousand members, so you’ll see lots of lovely artwork posted every day, and you’ll never miss a live broadcast again! Here’s the link to join: https://m.facebook.com/groups/753969806117098/?ref=share

Watercolour Basics #9: Wetness of Paper

This week for our Watercolour Basics series, I thought we’d take a closer look at Wetness of Paper. It’s in the name – watercolours – water tends to be a pretty significant part of the painting process, so it’s always good to practice applying it to paper to get the best effect with your colours. As always, watch the video through a couple of times to really master the technique, then give it a go yourselves!

January is for demonstrations! Well, at least in the loose watercolour world. I recently found myself in Stratford-Upon-Avon, home of Shakespeare and all sorts of other nice things, to give a demonstration to their art society in the way of all things loose – it was a big group, and was great fun!

That’s it from me this week, as despite the promise of spring just being around the corner, it’s still pretty chilly over here in Looseville, so I’m off to find a blanket or two. And maybe turn the radiator up a little more. As per usual, there’s an exclusive tutorial included at the end of this post as an extra special thank you for all of your support on this Substack – after all, I wouldn’t be able to run this without you all! This week’s tutorial is ‘March Hare Dreams,’ and I hope you all have fun painting along!

‘March Hare Dreams.’

In the meantime, though, it’s goodbye from me, and I’ll be back in your inbox very soon. Until then, have a great week, and happy painting!

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